though internet porn isn't popularly accepted as generally causing harm to anyone (arguably there are some who benefit, and some who are taken advantage of ---but that's beyond the scope of this blog), i've decided to take an adventurous trip down the road of self-restraint as a personal exercise in self-awareness and growth: no more p0rn will be my mantra.

i've come to the gross realization that it devastates my long-term, committed relationship. That's not to say that it harms any and every relationship, but it does harm mine. It makes my girlfriend feel like shit and wastes countless hours of my time.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm back!

thank you my blogFriend, driveon2985 at QuittingInternetPorn for the encouragement.
He says:

Hey come back and post something.

Well, I'm here! Oh crap, where do I start. Had a reverse-breakthrough (aka relapse) about a week and a half ago, and I couldn't bring myself to post anything negative without at least trying to mitigate the situation. To make a long story short, I've got a folder (it's amazing how fast one can collect this sht) that I've just deleted (while posting this), because a week and a half is much more wasted time than I wanted or needed. Haven't done laundry, cleaned my apt, etc etc...

But now I'm back. Just posting real quick to let you know. Today I'm starting over. It's nice outside, I'm gonna go see my gf, I got a friend in from out of town, and I got today and tomorrow off from work.

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